I am


Photo by @rogovca on Unsplash


Hey, this is my homepage, so I have to say something about myself. Sometimes it is hard to introduce yourself because you know yourself so well that you do not know where to start with. Let me give a try to see what kind of image you have about me through my self-description. I hope that my impression about myself and your impression about me are not so different. Here it goes.

I am Ehsanur Rahman Rhythm from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I am currently an undergraduate student studying Computer Science at Brac University. I'm interested in computer science, games, movies, sport and detective novels. Computers first appeared in my life when I was ten. I used to play games and read e-books from my computer. Later, I found many cool websites where I could play free online games and got interested about how these websites are made. I searched on Google about making websites and found a free site known as Weebly which would let you make a website for free. It was a WYSIWYG editing system. Gradually then I learned HTML, and CSS along with a curiosity of using CMS. Wordpress was very fun to begin with and I started modifying Wordpress themes by my little knowledge.

I realized how beautiful a website can be made by adding various plugins and many more things. I got into Brac University and learnt Python and a bit of Java there. Then I gradually started learning Javascript. I enjoyed making some Discord bots by NodeJS. It's a long time am working with these things but I feel I have a lot to learn. I am learning things everyday and maybe one day, I will be able to make this as my profession from passion. InShaAllah.